Tetrapol Publicly Available specifications

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Open specifications and application programming interfaces encourage the industry to develop new products and solutions for Tetrapol networks and Tetrapol users. This delivers a wider choice of products and applications for different user groups with different needs.

Here you can download the Tetrapol Publicly Available Specifications.

PART 1-13.0.4General Network Design – Reference Model 
PART 1-23.0.1General Network Design – Voice and Data Services in Network and Direct Mode 
PART 1-31.1.1General Network Design – General Mechanisms 
PART 23.0.0Radio Air Interface 
PART 3-12.3.9Air Interface Protocol: Air Interface Application Protocol 
PART 3-22.3.9Air Interface Protocol: Air Interface Application Messages 
PART 3-32.0.6Air Interface Protocol: Air Interface Transport Protocol 
PART 3-41.3.0Air Interface Protocol: Circuit Mode Air Interface Protocol 
PART 3-50.0.1Air Interface Protocol: SDL Model Air Interface 
PART 41.0.2Gateway to X.400 MTA 
PART 5-11.0.0Interface to Dispatch Centre: Technical Requirements Specifications 
PART 5-21.0.1Interface to Dispatch Centre: Speech Control Design on Digital Support 
PART 5-31.0.1Interface to Dispatch Centre: SDL Model of the Call Related Protocol 
PART 5-42.0.0Interface to Dispatch Centre: Service Control Protocol Design 
PART 5-52.0.0Interface to Dispatch Centre: Service Control Messages 
PART 61.0.2Line Connected Terminal Interface 
PART 81.0.2Radio Conformance Tests 
PART 9-11.0.0Air Interface Protocol Conformance Tests 
PART 9-21.0.2Air Interface PICS Pro Forma Specification 
PART 9-30.1.1Air Interface Protocol Conformance Tests: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes 
PART 9-40.0.1Air Interface Protocol Conformance Tests: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for Applicative Layer 
PART 10-11.1.1Inter System Interface: ISI Technical Requirements 
PART 10-21.0.0Inter System Interface: ISI architecture 
PART 10-31.0.1Inter System Interface: ISI protocol design 
PART 10-40.0.1Inter System Interface: Testing specification 
PART 11-11.0.2Gateway to External Networks:Gateway to X25 network 
PART 11-21.0.5Gateway to External Networks: Gateway to PABX 
PART 11-31.0.0Gateway to External Networks: Gateway to IP Networks 
PART 11-41.0.0Gateway to External Networks: Gateway to PABX Type 2 
PART 121.0.5Network Management Centre interface 
PART 13-11.0.0UDT and ST interface: Overview of UDT architecture 
PART 13-21.0.5UDT and ST interface: Submit/Delivery Protocol 
PART 13-31.0.5UDT and ST interface: STUTEL Profile for the UDT 
PART 13-41.0.0UDT and ST interface: TCP-UDP/IP protocols 
PART 13-51.0.0UDT and ST interface: Control and Supervision 
PART 13-61.1.5UDT and ST interface: MPAP and DTAP protocols 
PART 141.0.0System Simulators 
PART 15-11.0.2Gateway to EDT: Gateway to EDT protocol 
PART 15-21.0.2Gateway to EDT: EDT Transport Session Protocol 
PART 181.0.1Base Station to Radio Switch interface 
PART 19-11.0.6Stand Alone Dispatch Position Interface 
PART 19-22.0.0Stand Alone Dispatch Position Interface: System Technical Report