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Police and fireman working together


White Papers



Exec Briefings

Police officer scrolling the menu of a TH9 TETRA terminal

TETRA Product Datasheets

TETRA devices

  • TH1n radio - Slimline TETRA radio
  • Tactilon Dabat - A smartphone and TETRA radio in one 
  • TH9 - Handheld TETRA radio
  • TMR880i - TETRA mobile radio for your vehicle
  • THR880i - Plus 2-sided handheld TETRA radio
  • Taqto - Smart radio management  
  • TW1m - TETRA Modem

TETRA networks and elements

TETRA base stations

  • TB4 - Hybrid base station
  • TB3 - TETRA base station
  • TB3c - Coverage for smaller spaces
  • TB3p - Mini TETRA base station
  • TB3hp - Mini TETRA base station with high power

TETRA servers

  • TAIRA server - The power of modern TETRA
  • DXTA - Powerful switching
  • TCS - Connectivity Server
  • CDD - Configuration and Data Distribution