Spécifications Tetrapol accessibles au public

Firemen waiting for instructions from a TPH900 Tetrapol terminal

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Les spécifications ouvertes et les interfaces de programmation d'applications encouragent l'industrie à développer de nouveaux produits et solutions pour les réseaux Tetrapol et les utilisateurs de Tetrapol. Cela offre un choix plus large de produits et d'applications pour différents groupes d'utilisateurs ayant des besoins différents.

Ici, vous pouvez télécharger les spécifications Tetrapol accessibles au public (en version anglaise uniquement).

PART 1-13.0.4General Network Design – Reference Model 
PART 1-23.0.1General Network Design – Voice and Data Services in Network and Direct Mode 
PART 1-31.1.1General Network Design – General Mechanisms 
PART 23.0.0Radio Air Interface 
PART 3-12.3.9Air Interface Protocol: Air Interface Application Protocol 
PART 3-22.3.9Air Interface Protocol: Air Interface Application Messages 
PART 3-32.0.6Air Interface Protocol: Air Interface Transport Protocol 
PART 3-41.3.0Air Interface Protocol: Circuit Mode Air Interface Protocol 
PART 3-50.0.1Air Interface Protocol: SDL Model Air Interface 
PART 41.0.2Gateway to X.400 MTA 
PART 5-11.0.0Interface to Dispatch Centre: Technical Requirements Specifications 
PART 5-21.0.1Interface to Dispatch Centre: Speech Control Design on Digital Support 
PART 5-31.0.1Interface to Dispatch Centre: SDL Model of the Call Related Protocol 
PART 5-42.0.0Interface to Dispatch Centre: Service Control Protocol Design 
PART 5-52.0.0Interface to Dispatch Centre: Service Control Messages 
PART 61.0.2Line Connected Terminal Interface 
PART 81.0.2Radio Conformance Tests 
PART 9-11.0.0Air Interface Protocol Conformance Tests 
PART 9-21.0.2Air Interface PICS Pro Forma Specification 
PART 9-30.1.1Air Interface Protocol Conformance Tests: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes 
PART 9-40.0.1Air Interface Protocol Conformance Tests: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for Applicative Layer 
PART 10-11.1.1Inter System Interface: ISI Technical Requirements 
PART 10-21.0.0Inter System Interface: ISI architecture 
PART 10-31.0.1Inter System Interface: ISI protocol design 
PART 10-40.0.1Inter System Interface: Testing specification 
PART 11-11.0.2Gateway to External Networks:Gateway to X25 network 
PART 11-21.0.5Gateway to External Networks: Gateway to PABX 
PART 11-31.0.0Gateway to External Networks: Gateway to IP Networks 
PART 11-41.0.0Gateway to External Networks: Gateway to PABX Type 2 
PART 121.0.5Network Management Centre interface 
PART 13-11.0.0UDT and ST interface: Overview of UDT architecture 
PART 13-21.0.5UDT and ST interface: Submit/Delivery Protocol 
PART 13-31.0.5UDT and ST interface: STUTEL Profile for the UDT 
PART 13-41.0.0UDT and ST interface: TCP-UDP/IP protocols 
PART 13-51.0.0UDT and ST interface: Control and Supervision 
PART 13-61.1.5UDT and ST interface: MPAP and DTAP protocols 
PART 141.0.0System Simulators 
PART 15-11.0.2Gateway to EDT: Gateway to EDT protocol 
PART 15-21.0.2Gateway to EDT: EDT Transport Session Protocol 
PART 181.0.1Base Station to Radio Switch interface 
PART 19-11.0.6Stand Alone Dispatch Position Interface 
PART 19-22.0.0Stand Alone Dispatch Position Interface: System Technical Report