Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) stands as the third-largest aviation hub in Germany, playing a pivotal role as a bustling traffic nexus.

Smooth transition from Airbus Tetrapol to Airbus TETRA technology
Meeting the stringent communication demands of BER in the realm of TETRA required a depth of expertise in highly available infrastructures. PBIT GmbH, a longstanding Value Added Reseller (VAR) of Airbus SLC, has consistently demonstrated their proficiency in this domain over the years. It is due to this circumstance that PBIT and partners, in the midst of active flight operations at BER, seamlessly executed a technology migration from Tetrapol to TETRA, garnering success and ensuring uninterrupted service. At the core of this infrastructure are robust, geo-redundant, digital switching systems that guarantee the provision of TETRA technology across airport premises and the surrounding three-mile radius.
The integration into the airport's IT network and in-house radio system, with due consideration to runtime, network-specific conditions, and security requirements, marked a significant and challenging milestone. The introduction of a TETRA/Tetrapol gateway facilitated bidirectional communication, ensuring a smooth transition without disrupting ongoing flight operations.

Photo from Marco Verch. Link to the Licence
Upgraded devices and new call stations for dispatcher workstations
As part of the migration, various devices such as handheld and mobile radios were upgraded, and new call stations for Dispatcher Workstations were installed. Addressing the need for secure communication during take-off, landing, and taxiing processes, an advanced geo-redundant intercom system was developed, introduced, and seamlessly put into operation.
Through collaborative efforts with partners, PBIT GmbH has laid crucial foundations for overseeing airline and airport processes. This includes the establishment of cutting-edge geo-redundant infrastructures and the creation of a comprehensive communication network for critical infrastructure providers such as Flughafengesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg GmbH and DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH. These endeavors represent a strategic leap forward in ensuring and advancing secure communication within the airport's critical infrastructure.

Photo from Marco Verch. Link to the Licence
Facts and figures – November 2023
- Full-coverage PMR TETRA network at Airport Berlin Brandenburg (BER)
- Radio coverage of three-mile zone
- High availability secured by georedundant network elements
- TETRA system components
- Base stations with up to 8 carriers
- Technology Gateway (TETRA /Tetrapol)
- Gateways for call stations
- Network and security components
- Call station system
- Handheld Radio Terminals (HRT)
- Mobile Radio Terminals (MRT)
- Call stations
- Tower & Tower Contingency call stationsTerminals and Applications
- Migration facilitator: Tetrapol / TETRA Gateway
The photos used in this customer story are from Marco Verch who is a professional photographer in Cologne. Link to the Licence